Friday, 25 September 2015

Authenticity of Language and Task

Authenticity of language and task is one of the fundamental in ESP training because learners learn and adapt faster when a real situation is being applied. (Brown, Collins & Diguid (1989)), had described authentic task as the ordinary practices of the culture. Meanwhile, (Ellis, 2003, pg.113) had said that learners need the opportunity to practice language in the same conditions that apply in real life situation. Example, a group of telephone operator are given a situation where they need to handle an angry customer. After that, each telephone operator's word and action will be recorded. Then, the recording will be used for the needs analysis.

Types of authenticity tasks:

  1. Situational authenticity (types of tasks we ask our learners to do)
  1. Interactional authenticity (refers to the language we ask them to use as they engage in the task)


Medical English courses are designed for students wishing to learn specific language functions, vocabulary and grammar related to the fields of Medicine. They are highly structured and intensive to meet doctors and medical students’ specific needs. Doctors often need to rely on English to communicate.

Example of authentic tasks that they need to learn:


A combination of the Aviation English program and an extension of topics specific to Air Traffic Control professionals. This program focuses further on reducing the speaker's accent and providing additional training in the ability to understand an array of English accents from both native and non-native speakers. Teachers use an array of authentic audio resources to maximize the students' exposure to field scenarios.


              Click on the Video to know more :)


Ellis, R. (2003). Task-based language learning and teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Brown, J.S., Collins, A., & Duguid, P. (1989). Situated cognition and the culture of learning. Educational Researcher, 18(1), 32-42.
Elvira. S. A , Marat. S. (2005).  Authentic tasks as a meaningful and relevant framework for teaching contemporary target cultured 
[power point slides]. Retrieved from
Sarani. A. & Sahebi . L. F. (2012), The impact of Task-based approach on vocabulary learning in ESP courses, University of Sistan & Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran.
Esteve. M.J. & Valor. M. L. G. (2003). Internet language for specific purposes and foreign language teaching.Universitat Jaumei, Almassora.

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